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Best Android Launchers

5 Best Android Launchers for Smartphones

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After getting Android OS, people got bored with the normal UI of the OS. They wanted something new. It is a common feature of human beings to get bored with something for a long period of time. They use it over and over again and thus the thing becomes dull. It loses its attractiveness. To solve this problem, many android launchers were brought in the market. These launchers changed the look of the android UI. The home screen looks wonderful with the help of these launchers. Here are few Best Android Launchers for android smart phones.

Best Android Launchers

5 Best Android Launchers:

  1. Next Launcher This launcher is a brilliant and innovative launcher with lots of 3D effects. There are many visual effects in 3D in this launcher which changes the look of the android. There are also many transition effects and lively gestures. These things give the smart phone a smarter look. People do not get bored; rather they feel attracted to their cell again. All the effects are very exciting and interactive. It has many animated effects during changing of one app to launcher
  2. Go Launcher This is one of the Best Android Launchers. It has many other supplementary apps. With all the apps of this company, people can get the best out of it. It has got many widgets as well including temperature widget. The themes are pretty good. It shows all the running apps in one tab. The internal memory can be cleared from the menu only.go launcher
  3. Bazooka Launcher This launcher used a different technology to make all the internal processing faster. All the options and home screens can be personalized in this launcher. The drag and drop feature on this launcher is very smooth and easy. The music player can be controlled from the lock screen itself.bazooka launcher
  4. Apex Launcher The best feature of this launcher is that the home screen can be modified in many ways and there are grids for help. The docks can be scrolled. The scrolling is infinite and very flexible. All the visual effects are very mesmerizing. There are also options of multiple drawers. There are plenty of home screen gestures.apex launcher
  5. Vire Launcher This is another of the Best Android Launchers. It has few exciting and captivating animated transitions. This transitions take place while changing screen or doing multi tasking. This launcher has real time lighting and 3D visualizations. The launcher also offers many beautiful Widgets along with it. It makes the UI much more mesmerizing.vire launcher

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