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Best Android Keyboards

5 Best Android Keyboards

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It may be regarded as one of the best features in Android phones is the ability to change the default keyboard which ships along with the phone. The ability to change the default keyboard is often overlooked. Well, this best android keyboards comes with many innovative and extra features which cannot be found in the stock keyboards.

But before going any further it is recommended what type of typist are you. Some people usually like the swipe feature while other can be more comfortable with advance keyboards. In spite of all these, there are some keyboards which can perform different stuffs as well.

One of the main problems that can be seen is swapping between the different keyboards that you have installed in your android device. To solve this problem, go to “Settings” and from there select “Language& Keyboard”. From there, select the desired keyboard and set it as default to make it active. You can find hundreds of different types of keyboards that are available on the play store. You can change the keyboard if you like them. Keeping this mind, below stated are 05 keyboards that are packed with feature.

Best Android Keyboards

5 Best Android Keyboards

  1. Smart Keyboard
    Smart keyboard is one simplest keyboard available in the play store. It does not include any swipe or predictive text feature. A good feature about this keyboard is that you can adjust the height of the keys. This helps especially if you want very big keys or extra small keys.
  2. Adaptxt
    Adaptxt can be said one of the best presented keyboard. It comes with spacious layout for keys and the graphics quality makes the keybooad feel like the original keyboard. One of the best features about the Adaptxt is the ability to navigate to relevant sites about the words that are being typed. This is especially helpful if you in the middle of an SMS or email and want to post to something to Facebook or Twitter.
  3. SwiftKey
    Swiftkey may be regarded as one of the old keyboards available in the market. One of the unique features about this keyboard is the ability to predict the words based on its learning from our messages, email, Facebook updates, etc.
  4. TouchPal(Phone/tablet)
    Just like Swype, TouchPal has interface of swiping through the android keyboards. One of the features includes leaving a sparks trails behind the swipe which looks very cool. It also support multi language based upon the dictionaries installed.
  5. GO Keyboard
    It is one of the download free Android keyboards which can be configured greatly. It has different types of theme support which is visually appealing. It also supports various kinds of emoji.

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